Business Support
Wingecarribee Shire Council is actively seeking new business investment to generate jobs and encourage economic growth in the region. Council recognises the importance of meeting business needs and will respond promptly to all business enquiries. Introductions can be made to economic development partners in state and federal government, and with presidents of local Chambers of Commerce and business associations.
Hospitality Skills Development
Council recognises that hospitality businesses are struggling to attract staff. This can result in delayed openings or expansions, reduced hours of trade, reduced scope or quality of customer service.
The situation is complex but a start can be made by helping to build your hospitality workforce through a better understanding of the complex local training landscape.
- Is your business struggling to attract staff?
- Do you need workers with a particular set of skills?
- Would you like to upskill your existing workforce?
- Would you like to access fee free accredited training?
The following resources were presented by Training Services NSW at a series of industry forums hosted by Council in July 2021.
Forum 1
Training Services NSW including as step by step guide through the Smart and Skilled website to find courses and trainers.
HS Forum 1 - Hospitality Skills Forum(PDF, 2MB)
Forum 2
Three presentations - Apprenticeship Support Australia, Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP) and School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships (SBATs)
HS Forum 2 - Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP)(PDF, 651KB)
HS Forum 2 - School-Based Traineeships & Apprenticeships (RIEP)(PDF, 436KB)
HS Forum 2 - Apprenticeship(PPTX, 14MB)
Forum 3
Training Services NSW - Skills Brokers
HS Forum 3 - Building your Hospitality Workforce - Skills Brokers(PPTX, 601KB)
Business Community Resilience Toolkit Program
The Business Community Resilience (BCR) Toolkit is an online program developed to help build resilience capabilities in businesses and communities. The program is FREE for every business in the Shire.
Each fortnight you’ll be sent an email or text (your choice) with a themed module comprising two questions requiring yes or no answers (10 seconds). Depending on your response, you’ll be given simple, useful information, some topics to think about, and suggested small changes you can make to become more resilient.
The Business Community Resilience Toolkit is available for Wingecarribee businesses now, FREE until September 2022. Don’t miss out on the 26-module online program where you can learn to incorporate resilience practices into your day-to-day operations AND prepare for future disasters at the same time. By answering the 2 yes/no questions on each module, you are contributing to data that will help to map the capabilities and gaps in our business community and assist in future funding opportunities to help our businesses before, during and after disasters.
Register now

Business Energy Advice Program
Business Energy Advice Program (BEAP) provides trusted advice to help small businesses and their representatives improve their energy efficiency and get better energy deals.
The program provides 2 free services for eligible small businesses:
- Business Energy Advice
- Small Business Energy Check
To find out more and to see if your business is eligible, please visit the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.
Business Advisory Services
Council works with a range of funded programs and advisors in the Shire. This includes:
- Entrepreneurship Facilitator Program
- Business Connect
- AusIndustry Entrepreneurs’ Programme – Strengthening Business
- Rewire Program
- Self Employment Assistance Program
Additional support is available from the following
Council has developed a summary of programs to facilitate local businesses select and contact the most suitable service.
Wingecarribee LGA Business Support November 2022(PDF, 603KB)