A payment blackout will occur from 11.00 am, Friday 31 January to 8.30 am, Monday 3 February 2025, while financial system enhancements occur. During this blackout period, no payments will be processed via our Customer Experience team at the Civic Centre or over the phone. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Normal payment service will resume on Monday 3 February.
There is an ever increasing need for community, business and local government to identify and utilise all available funding streams.
Council has subscribed to Grant Funding Finder through a licensing agreement with Regional Development Australia Southern Inland. This is a customised portal for unlimited users; with a database of all grants available in our designated geographic area, including an emergency funding quick list option on the home page.
Each grant is summarised in a one-page template for easy comparison and includes powerful search, planning and automated notification functionality.
The portal also has short videos explaining how to use Grant Funding Finder and get more strategic in efforts to apply for, manage and win grants.
View the Grant Funding Finder portal for Wingecarribee.
Regional Development Australia Southern Inland is available to provide additional grant finding and application support.