A payment blackout will occur from 11.00 am, Friday 31 January to 8.30 am, Monday 3 February 2025, while financial system enhancements occur. During this blackout period, no payments will be processed via our Customer Experience team at the Civic Centre or over the phone. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Normal payment service will resume on Monday 3 February.
Wingecarribee Shire Council's Privacy Management Plan has been prepared for the purpose of section 33 of the PPIPA. It is a model plan which was developed for NSW councils by the Office of Local Government, in consultation with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and Local Government NSW. The Plan identifies how Wingecarribee Shire Council (Council) complies with the Information Privacy Protection Principles in both the PPIPA and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (HRIPA). Privacy Management Plan
These Acts provide for the protection of personal information and for the protection of the privacy of individuals generally. ‘Personal information’ is defined in section 4 of the PPIPA as:
Information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database and whether or not recorded in a material form) about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion. This definition encompasses not only traditional data storage, such as paper files, but also such diverse media as electronic records, video recordings and photographs. It also includes biometric information such as fingerprints and even records of genetic material.
Although the definition of personal information is very broad, the PPIPA excludes certain types of information. The most significant exemptions are;
Council considers the following to be publicly available publications: