Wingecarribee Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee - EOI
Wingecarribee Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee: Calls for Expressions of Interest
In accordance with the Flood Risk Management (FRM) Manual adopted by the NSW Government, local councils are to each establish a Flood Risk Management Advisory Committee to oversee the development of balanced FRM plans through the FRM process. Committees provide important links to state agencies, key stakeholders and the community.
The Committee assists Council in developing and implementing a FRM plan by contributing ideas, professional expertise, experience, and local knowledge. Community members contribute their knowledge of historical information, local problems, and possible solutions.
The Committee should operate as a team with the community’s interests being foremost. An important role of the management committee will be to assist in the presentation and resolution of conflicting desires and requirements on the part of various community groups and individuals.
The Floodplain Management Program consists of the preparation of Flood Studies, Floodplain Risk Management Studies and Plans, and the implementation of actions identified in the risk management plans.
Terms of Reference
In accordance with the draft 2024 Terms of Reference, membership of the Committee is proposed to be as follows:
• Two Councillors – with one nominated as Chairperson.
• Four to six Community Representatives
• Two Agency Representatives
- State Emergency Services
- Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Role of the Committee
The Committee’s role is to:
• Provide a forum for the discussion of technical, social, economic, environmental, and cultural issues associated with floodplain management,
• Consider a variety of viewpoints, which are representative of the broader community, and distil them into floodplain risk management plans and related policies.
Committee Member Responsibilities
The role of Committee Members is to:
• Review draft reports of flood studies, risk management studies and plans, and make recommendations to Council concerning their amendment, public exhibition and/or adoption.
• Be familiar with the NSW Flood Risk Management Manual and comply with its requirements.
Expressions of Interest
Expressions of Intersect are now being sought from interested community members to join the Wingecarribee Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee.
Only written submissions can be considered and these must be received by Council before 4:30 pm on Wedneday 8 January 2025 by:
- Online Expression of Interest Form (below)
- Emailed a copy of the EOI Form to
- Hand delivered a copy of the EOI Form to Council's Civic Centre at 68 Elizabeth Street, Moss Vale NSW 2577
- Posted to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale NSW 2577
Please note that any EOI forms may be included in the report to Council.
Your personal information contained in your submission is collected by Council for the purpose of corresponding with you about your submission. Your submission, including only your full name and locale, will be contained in the Council meeting business paper and made publicly available on Council's website. If you make an anonymous submission, Council will be unable to contact you further and only a summary of the points made in your submission may be provided.
Next Steps
Successful applicants will be advised of the outcome by Council by at the February Council Meeting.
Click here to view form.