Codes and Policies

Council policies explain the way we work and make decisions and updated on a two or four year cycle. Our current policies are available below.


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The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocol Policy - Acknowledgement of Country was adopted by Council on the 7 August 2024.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • Pay respect to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures
  • Acknowledge the connection and trust that Aboriginal people have with maintaining and managing country
  • Provide guidance for including Aboriginal cultural ceremonies as part of Council events
  • Provides protocols for performing Acknowledgment of Country, including suggested wording on an Acknowledgement to Country in person, as well as online meetings where people may be meeting from multiple locations 

  • Articulate Council’s responsibility and commitment to maintaining and celebrating Aboriginal culture and history. 

  • Articulate Council’s responsibility and to provide Councillors, Council staff and Volunteers at Wingecarribee Shire Council with an understanding of some of the important protocols of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 

Wingecarribee Shire Council (Council) has prepared this Guide to provide information for the public on:

  • Council’s approach to sites contaminated by asbestos, emergencies or incidents and naturally occurring asbestos
  • General advice for residents on renovating homes that may contain asbestos
  • Council’s development approval process for developments that may involve asbestos
  • Waste management and regulation procedures for asbestos waste in the local government area
  • Where further information can be found.

This Guide should be read in conjunction with Council’s Asbestos Management Policy.

This Guide does not provide detail on specific procedures. Practical guidance on how to manage risks associated with asbestos and asbestos containing material can be found in the:

  • Code of practice on how to manage and control asbestos in the workplace (ISBN 978-0-642-33316-2) available from SafeWork NSW.
  • Code of practice on how to safely remove asbestos (ISBN 978-0-642-33318-6) available from SafeWork NSW.

Additional guidance material is listed in Appendix B. For specific advice, individuals are encouraged to contact Council or the appropriate organisation.

The Asbestos Management Policy was adopted by Council on the 21 April 2021.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • Outline the role of Wingecarribee Shire Council (Council) and other organisations in managing and regulating asbestos; and
  • Provide a framework for managing asbestos within Council’s operations.

The Assessment of Development Applications Involving Conflict of Interest Policy was adopted by Council on 14 December 2022.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • ensure that development assessment recommendations are properly made, and that all parties are dealt with fairly;
  • avoid any occasion for suspicion of improper conduct in the exercise of development assessment functions; and
  • ensure that no action, statement or communication to any party conveys any suggestion of willingness to improperly provide concessions or preferential or unduly unfavourable treatment.

The Wingecarribee Assessment Policy for S94/94A Developer Contributions & Section 64 Development Servicing Plans was adopted by Council on the 22 September 2010.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • A standard criteria to assess and calculate contributions for developments under Section 94/94A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Section 64 of the Local Government Act 1993.
  • A standard procedure for the carrying out of the assessment of developments for the purposes of Section 94/94A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 2008 and Section 64 of the Local Government Act 1993;
  • A standard procedure for the assessment of applications for Works in Kind (WIK), Land Dedication and Material Public Benefit (MPB).

The Asset Management Policy was adopted by Council on the 15 May 2024.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • Ensuring that Council’s services and infrastructure are provided in a sustainable manner, with the appropriate levels of service to residents, visitors and the environment.
  • Safeguarding Council assets including physical assets and employees by implementing appropriate asset management strategies and appropriate financial resources for those assets.
  • Creating an environment where all Council employees take an integral part in overall management of Council assets by creating and sustaining asset management awareness throughout the organisation by training and development.
  • Meeting legislative requirements for asset management.
  • Ensuring resources and operational capabilities are identified and responsibility for asset management is allocated.
  • Demonstrating transparent and responsible asset management processes that align with demonstrated best practice.

The Bonds Policy was adopted by Council on the 22 July 2020.

The objectives of this policy are to:

This Policy has been prepared to outline Council’s requirements for the lodgement of bonds and guarantees associated with the development process where public infrastructure works are undertaken by parties other than Council.

Council will require a cash bond or bank guarantee to ensure that future facilities and infrastructure including landscaping are delivered in a specified timeframe, to protect existing Council assets, or to ensure that constructed works perform or are delivered to relevant standards. They are also accepted to facilitate the release of a subdivision or occupation certificate prior to completion of all public infrastructure works.

This policy outlines the different types of security bonds which may be required in accordance with Section 4.17(6) and 6.15 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 including the required bond amounts and the duration and return of bonds and bank guarantees.

Any bond taken under this policy must not be applied or used for the purposes of deferring any development contributions arising under Section 94 (now Section 7.11) or any obligation under a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) or Works-In-Kind Agreement (WIK). Conversely, any bond, bank guarantee, or the like, taken as security to defer Section 94 (now Section 7.11) development contribution, VPA or WIK obligations, cannot be applied to any purposes described under this bonds policy.

The Cash Investment Policy was adopted by Council on the 19 June 2024. 

The objective of this Policy is to provide a framework for investing Council’s funds at the most favourable return available at the time whilst having due consideration of risk and security for that investment type and ensuring that liquidity requirements are being met.

While exercising the power to invest, consideration is to be given to the preservation of capital, liquidity, and the return on investment.

Preservation of capital is the principal objective on the investment portfolio. Investments are to be placed in a manner that seeks to ensure security and safeguarding the investment portfolio. This includes managing credit and interest rate risk within identified thresholds and parameters.

Investments should be allocated to ensure there is enough liquidity to meet all reasonably anticipated cash flow requirements, as and when they fall due, without incurring the risk of significant costs due to the unanticipated sale of an investment.

Investments are expected to achieve a market average rate of return in line with Council’s risk tolerance.

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