Cenotaphs and War Memorial (Protected Places) Security and Protection

The Cenotaphs and War Memorial (Protected Places) Security and Protection Policywas adopted by Council on the 7 August 2024.

The objectives of this policy are:

  • To avoid the placement of objects or signage within the curtilage of War Memorials and Cenotaphs that will obscure or obstruct their viewing, context or meaning.
  • To avoid any use, development or activity that restricts access to or pedestrian circulation around War Memorials and Cenotaphs
  • To avoid any activity or actions that detract or damage any part of War Memorials and Cenotaphs and that do not show respect for what they represent to the wider Wingecarribee Community and Returned Service personnel in particular.

  • To encourage the public to report damage or vandalism in a manner that allows effective action to address the reported damage.