Contaminated Land Procedures Policy


The Contaminated Land Policy was adopted by Council on 7th August 2024.

The objectives of the policy are to:

  • To ensure that changes in land use do not increase the risk to human health or the environment.
  • To consider the likelihood of contamination as early as possible when carrying out Council regulatory, management or planning activities.
  • To ensure Council maintains a suitable contaminated land information system, enabling Council to provide stakeholders with accurate information relating to land contamination.
  • To ensure Council exercises its functions relating to the development of contaminated land in accordance with the relevant legislation, guidelines, and codes
  • To avoid any inappropriate restrictions on land use arising from contamination
  • To ensure site investigation, remediation and reporting works are completed in a satisfactory manner
  • To provide information to support Council decision making, and to inform the community of potential restrictions on development arising from land contamination.