Codes and Policies

Council policies explain the way we work and make decisions and updated on a two or four year cycle. Our current policies are available below.


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The Rural Tourism Policy was adopted by Council on the 13 November 2019.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • To provide a direct ‘line of sight’ between the South East and Tablelands Regional Plan, the Destination Management Plan, the Community Strategic Plan and Council’s planning framework as it relates to rural tourism development
  • To outline a clear approval pathway for certain rural tourism related developments in the WingecarribeeShire
  • To provide greater certainty and consistency in the assessment or rural tourism related development proposals for both the industry and the broader community, and
  • To set out criteria for determining when Council will consider a Planning Proposal to rezone land to SP3 Tourist.
  • To limit opportunistic tourism development in rural locations.

The Provision of Water and Sewer Services: Existing Lots No 3.5 Procedure was adopted by Council on the 25 February 2015.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • Clearly communicate the requirements for the provision of water and sewerage services to the public
  • Ensure consistency and fairness when dealing with applications for the provision of water and sewer services
  • Ensure compliance with Local Government Act 1993

The Feedback and Complaints Management Policy was adopted by Council on 17 August 2022.

The objective of this Policy is to ensure that Wingecarribee Shire Council (Council) promptly and fairly handles all forms of customer/community and staff feedback to promote customer/community confidence and best practice within Council. Feedback includes compliments, suggestions and complaints. Council’s feedback management framework is intended to:

  • enable Council to respond to feedback raised by customers/community in an accessible, timely and cost-effective way;
  • assist Council’s staff members to better manage unreasonable complainant conduct;
  • enhance public confidence in Council’s administrative processes. 

The Road Naming Policy was adopted by Council on 16 August 2023.

The objectives of the Policy are to:

  • Provide consistent guidelines and procedures for developers, the community and Council staff for the naming and re-naming of all roads for which Wingecarribee Shire Council (Council) is the road naming authority.
  • Ensure that appropriate road names are allocated through informed and thorough assessment processes, utilising names with local connections wherever possible; and

  • Define the State Government policies and relevant Legislation under which Council will administer its road naming functions.



The Notification of Development Proposals Policy was adopted by Council on the 14 November 2018.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • Provide the opportunity for public participation in the development assessment decision making process that is appropriate to the type and form of the development proposed.
  • Ensure a consistent, transparent and effective development assessment process.
  • Identify circumstances when notification of development is not required.

Council Operations Environment Policy was adopted by Council on the 13 December 2017.

The objectives of this policy are to: 

  • Minimising potential and actual environmental impacts of its activities and operations
  • Protecting the environment, preventing pollution and continually improving the sustainability of Council operations
  • Working cooperatively with all stakeholders to protect and enhance the environment.

The Provision of Water and Sewer Services: Existing Lots No.3.5 Policy was adopted by Council on the 25 February 2015.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • Clearly communicate the requirements for the provision of water and sewerage services, including water and sewer service connections, water meters and associated water and sewer main extensions, to the public
  • Ensure consistency and fairness when dealing with applications for the provision of water and sewer services
  • Ensure compliance with Local Government Act 1993

The Procurement Policy was adopted by Council on the 17 August 2022.

The objectives of this policy listed below:

Wingecarribee Shire Council has a commitment of providing value for money in delivering services and

infrastructure to its community in an ethical, transparent and compliant manner.

This policy sets the strategic direction to ensure Council delivers the procurement outcomes outlined in this

policy in accordance with its legislative obligations and executed with the utmost integrity.

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