Strategies and Plans

All councils in NSW work within the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework. 

Please view a full list of all other Wingecarribee Shire Council's current Strategies and Plans below. 

52 Result(s) Found

The Arts and Culture Strategic Plan for the Wingecarribee Shire, Southern Highlands Inspired!, represents the vision, aspirations, goals, priorities and challenges for our community in regards to arts and culture. 

The Delivery Program details the shorter term actions, responsibilities, time frames and resourcing to start delivering the Southern Highlands Inspired! goals and strategies.

The aim of Southern Highlands Inspired! in relation to arts and culture, is to:

  • Outline a vision for the future
  • Provide clearly expressed principles to guide decision making
  • Describe realistic and sustainable goals
  • Reflect and extend community aspirations
  • Foster a love of and interest in arts and culture
  • Establish the Southern Highlands as a place which supports great art and the strengthening of artistic and cultural practices
  • Celebrate and use the existing assets of the region
  • Enlist arts and culture to define the region
  • Utilise arts and culture to engage community
  • Develop a mechanism for including arts and cultural aspects into broader community decision-making


The Bowral Parking, Traffic and Transport Strategy has been developed to address the impacts of future growth that could be reasonably expected to occur within the Bowral Town Centre between present day and over the next 20 or so years.

The strategy provides realistically achievable infrastructure concepts, outlining immediate and longer term projects. The strategy also includes broad changes to management of parking, traffic and transport.

The implemented strategy will enable the Town Centre system to operate at an acceptable level of service and will improve transport equity and pedestrian safety throughout the Bowral Town Centre.

The strategy is consistent with the relevant goals outlined in the Community Strategic Plan Wingecarribee 2031+.

The road network infrastructure changes in the strategy are underpinned by the Bowral Town Centre Paramics Model and Scenario testing undertaken.

The strategy was adopted by resolution of Council on 12 December 2012 following consideration of community feedback.


The Bush Fire Co-ordinating Committee signed off on the Wollondilly / Wingecarribee Bush Fire Risk Management Plan on the 16/05/2017. This plan is currently under review and should be finalised by mid-2024.

This plan is a strategic document that identifies community assets at risk and sets out a five year program of co-ordinated multi-agency treatments to reduce the risk of bush fire to the identified assets. Treatments include hazard reduction burning, grazing, community education, fire trail maintenance and vegetation management. 

Wollondilly/ Wingecarribee Bushfire Management Committee

The Wollondilly/ Wingecarribee Bushfire Management Committee comprises of representatives of major land management agencies (State Forests, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney Catchment Authority), Councils, volunteer brigade members, fire fighting authorities, and community representatives.

For further information contact:

NSW Rural Fire Service Fire Mitigation Officer

Telephone: 02 4868 5500

Bush Fire Management Committees

The development of the Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy (CREDS) is a key priority in the ACT-NSW Memorandum of Understanding on Regional Collaboration signed by the ACT and NSW Governments in June 2020, and the CRJO Statement of Strategic Priorities signed in 2019.

The aim is to define a coordinated approach to activate critical economic development opportunities and realise the full potential of industry, employment and growth across the Canberra region.

This objective has evolved into the Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy – A Prospectus for Collaboration that identifies common pillars for economic development. It reinforces our shared commitment to work together to further develop an economically prosperous region that provides a high quality of life and is resilient, accessible and environmentally sustainable.

The Community and Recreational Facilities Strategy (CRFS) is a 20 year strategic document developed to guide and inform Council and the Community to plan, fund and deliver formal community and recreation facilities across the Shire. The strategy is not intended to be definitive plan for implementation, it recognises the need for more detailed analysis and engagement with the community on specific elements, closer to the time of delivery, and in alignment with funding availability.

The CRFS was adopted at Ordinary Council Meeting 18 October 2023.

Update: We're currently creating a new Communications and Engagement Strategy and need your help.
Visit our Participate Wingecarribee website to find out more and be part of shaping how we connect with you and keep you informed.

Visit Participate Wingecarribee

The revised and updated Community Engagement Strategy was adopted by Wingecarribee Shire Council in April 2023.

The revised strategy incorporates the Community Participation Plan.

The Community Strategic Plan is a key component of the NSW Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. The Plan is supported by:

  • A 10 year Resourcing Strategy
  • A Delivery Program
  • An annual Operational Plan and Budget

Working together, these plans help us to progress achievement of the vision and goals in our Community Strategic Plan: Wingecarribee 2041.

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