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This strategy updates the previous Environment Strategy 2012-2017 and builds on the work of Council and the community to protect, restore, and enhance our local environment and adapt to the challenges of a changing climate. The Wingecarribee Environment and Climate Change Strategy was developed to complement the Community Strategic Plan and encompass what we heard through consultation are the challenges to be considered at global, national, state and local levels.
As a diverse region of NSW, the Wingecarribee Shire encompasses over 100,000 hectares of protected areas that are critical to the health of the population and the environment. With bushland that supports threatened wildlife, water catchment areas, and rich agricultural land we have an obligation as custodians to protect and conserve this special place.
The scope of the strategy identifies two priority areas:
These priorities have seven focus areas and 49 commitments, which will guide the development of detailed and timebound action plans. The strategy also includes overarching principles and outlines what we are already doing as a Council and Community to work towards achieving outcomes.
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Community Strategic Plan-Wingecarribee 2041