Integrated Planning and Reporting

All councils in NSW work within the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework. Council’s framework is shown below;

Integrated Planning Reporting Diagram

The framework recognises that Council plans and policies should not exist in isolation and are strategically linked to the aspirations of the community.

The framework ensures that Council, in partnership with the community, articulates the aspirations of the community within a Community Strategic Plan (CSP) which provides, at a minimum, a 10-year outlook.

The NSW Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IP&R) requires that all councils develop long, medium and short term plans which detail how the community’s vision, aspirations and priorities will be delivered via projects and services.

Current Documents

Community Strategic Plan

Resourcing Strategy 2024-2034
(PDF, 12MB)

Delivery Program 2023-2025(PDF, 25MB)

Operational Plan and Budget 2024-2025(PDF, 7MB)

Fees and Charges 2024-2025 Version 4(PDF, 19MB)

Community Engagement Strategy

Community Engagement Policy(PDF, 96KB)


Past Documents

Fees and Charges 2023 -2024

Operational Plan and Budget 2023-2024

Operational Plan and Budget 2022 - 2023

Delivery Operational Plan 2021 - 2022 (PDF, 3MB)

Resourcing Strategy 2017 - 2027

Asset Management Planning

Fees and Charges 2022 - 2023(PDF, 14MB)

Long Term Financial Plan 2020 - 2030(PDF, 4MB)