The Animal Shelter is closed until 25 January due to a kennel cough outbreak. Cat inquiries remain open.
The project addressed an installation of box culverts and reinstate 50m section of road pavement at Nero St and Robinson Street intersection. The project upgrades will prevent a major flooding event for Robinson Street. The road surface itself has been enhanced with better drainage systems, leading to improved water quality run-off. Pavement reconstruction has been undertaken and a durable asphalt sealing surface has been laid, extending the road's lifespan. Safety features have been upgraded with new signage and guardrails for increased driver confidence. Environmental considerations were also addressed through grass seeding, and slope protection measures.
Works for this project commenced in mid-July 2024 and were completed ahead of schedule in November 2024. The works included:
Box culvert and headwall installations
Pavement reconstructions
Safety fence installations
Bank stabilisations, tree removals and re-vegetation
During February and March 2022 flooding events, the run-off from the creek significantly damaged stormwater pipes, headwalls and road pavement at the interface of Robinson Street and Devon Street Mittagong, and the road and bank channel have been subsequently eroded. The creek water should be discharged efficiently by constructing a drainage structure and around 50 m section of eroded road pavement should be reconstructed. The renewal of the culvert and associated works are a part of the disaster recovery works.
Road users and pedestrians were made aware of heavy machinery and workers in the area during the works. Changed traffic conditions and exercise care when travelling through the work zones, approved through a Council Traffic Management Plan. Access to emergency services have been maintained during construction.
Robinson Street, Mittagong 2575 View Map
Robinson Street , Mittagong 2575
Aerial of completed works at Robinson Street Culvert Renewal
After images from Robinson Street Culvert Renewal
Robinson St Mittagong
Before image from Robinson Street Culvert Renewal
Bridging Layer Robinson Street Mittagong Culvert Renewal
Works underway Robertson Street Mittagong Culvert Renewal
Progress images from Robinson Street Culvert Renewal