A payment blackout will occur from 11.00 am, Friday 31 January to 8.30 am, Monday 3 February 2025, while financial system enhancements occur. During this blackout period, no payments will be processed via our Customer Experience team at the Civic Centre or over the phone. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Normal payment service will resume on Monday 3 February.
Wingecarribee Shire Council has received $3.5 million from the NSW Government to conduct preliminary investigations and detailed designs for the Moss Vale Bypass. This design will include the necessary elements to properly inform the construction phase delivery and allow detailed cost estimates to be prepared. Once the project is designed and properly costed, Council will work with the NSW Government (and others) to identify possible funding options in order to move ahead with the construction. Work has commenced to complete the Concept Design for all three stages of the Bypass based on a detailed site survey, geotechnical investigation and service searches. This phase also includes the detailed design for all three stages which will connect Argyle Street to Berrima Road with connections at Suttor Road, Lackey Road, Beaconsfield Road and Bulwer Road. The critical connection is the bridge over the Main Southern Railway and there will be a shared path along the route.
The Bypass would assist motorists travelling through Moss Vale by providing an alternative to Argyle Street. The Bypass includes an additional crossing of the Main Southern railway and critically, one which is not subject to flooding or height restrictions.
For more information please check our https://participatewingecarribee.wsc.nsw.gov.au/MVbypass site which includes more of the project history and a substantial document library.