A payment blackout will occur from 11.00 am, Friday 31 January to 8.30 am, Monday 3 February 2025, while financial system enhancements occur. During this blackout period, no payments will be processed via our Customer Experience team at the Civic Centre or over the phone. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Normal payment service will resume on Monday 3 February.
The Wingecarribee Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) sets out the 20-year land use vision for our Shire, and provides a long-term planning framework to meet the economic, housing, social and environmental needs of our community.
The LSPS takes into account the State and Regional planning framework, and builds on the communities’ priorities outlined in the Community Strategic Plan and Local Planning Strategy to outline how our Shire will continue to evolve in a way that protects our local character, natural areas and rural landscapes in accordance with our communities’ expectations. It identifies the special characteristics that contribute to the Wingecarribee’s local identity and recognises the shared community values to be maintained and enhanced.
The LSPS outlines six (6) key land use themes including our environment and sustainability, our rural lands, our economy, our housing, our infrastructure and our place. Each land use theme includes a set of planning priorities and actions to achieve the communities’ vision for the Wingecarribee.
The actions within the LSPS are identified as being either ‘High’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’ priority actions. High priority actions are intended to be commenced within 2 years. Medium priority actions will be commenced within 2-4 years, and low priority actions will be commenced after 4 years.
The LSPS will provide localised input into the review of regional planning policies and provide a framework for future amendments to the Wingecarribee Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plans (DCP). The LSPS will also inform future infrastructure planning and investment decisions by Council, State Government agencies and service providers.