The Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami) is the smallest of the five black cockatoos in Australia.
It's plumage is dull brown-black, with red or orange-red tail panels. It has a bulbous bill and a small & inconspicuous crest.
Adult females exhibit extensive yellow patches on their head & neck and the tail panels tend to be more orange-red with black bars, but can become more red and less barred with age.
Some adult males have a few yellow feathers on the head and the males' tail panels tend to be bright red.
Young birds look similar to adult males, however they tend to have yellow spotted or streaked flanks and under-bodies, with some yellow spots on their head.
Glossy Black-Cockatoos are notoriously quiet and regularly return to feed on favoured stands of Black She-oaks (Allocasuarina littoralis) or Weeping She-oak (Allocasuarina verticillata).