Southern Highlands Koala Conservation Project

Koala carers with WSC team member in front of a VMS
Koalas (Guula) in the Southern Highlands

The Southern Highlands is home to an estimated 3,000 – 4, 000 koalas. The Southern Highlands has a long history with koalas: the Gundungurra Traditional Owners call koalas “Guula” and Dharawal Traditional Owners call koalas “Garilwa”.

The first recorded sighting of a koala by a European was in Bargo in 1798 and over the next century the Southern Highlands koala population virtually disappeared, due to a deadly combination of habitat clearing, hunting for the fur trade, and drought. 

The Southern Highlands Koala Conservation Project (SHKCP) was established in 2014 following the Hall Road Bushfire. Since then, this award-winning project been working to ensure that our koalas are surviving and thriving in the wild.

The SHKCP is considered an exemplar for other regions for the long-term protection of the largest population of koalas in southern NSW. What was the least understood koala population is now one of the best understood – a key goal of this highly successful project.

There are 10 koala strongholds listed in the NSW Koala Strategy where experts have identified important koala populations that will benefit from more intensive investment and actions. The Southern Highlands has two listed koala stronghold populations – one in the East and one in the West.

Years of data collection and survey effort under the project has revealed that our two stronghold populations have different population densities, home ranges and preferred tree species.

The project is addressing six main issues to protect koalas and their habitat in the long term:

  1. Private land conservation
  2. Habitat restoration
  3. Fire management
  4. Roadkill
  5. Population monitoring
  6. Supporting koala carers
SHKCP logo.
SHKCP logo

The SHKCP is proudly supported by the NSW Government’s NSW Koala Strategy and Wingecarribee Shire Council’s Environment Levy.

Council has been instrumental in developing this project in partnership with other agencies including the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE), the University of Sydney and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT).

Visit the Southern Highlands Koala Country web page for more information about the NSW Koala Strategy Southern Highlands regional partnership, or watch this video.

Learn more about the work we’re doing in the Southern Highlands to save this iconic Australian animal by following our SHKCP project page on Facebook.

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Project outcomes

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Koala Karaoke bioacoustic monitoring program

A Koala Karaoke microphone attached to a tree.
A Koala Karaoke microphone attached to a tree.

Wingecarribee Shire Council developed the Koala Karaoke program in 2020 in partnership with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

The program involves putting out microphones all over the Southern Highlands to record koala bellows in the breeding season. Male koalas bellow from September to February to attract females and scare off other males.

These records of koala bellows tell us where koalas are in the Southern Highlands, and we look at which environmental variables might be influencing koala occupancy. Each annual survey produces over 10,000 hours of audio.

Never heard a koala bellow?

Listen to the roar of the bush

Koala habitat in the Southern Highlands

Koala habitat includes any eucalypt dominated forest or woodland in the Southern Highlands. This is because koalas tend to feed primarily on eucalypts, but they may use non-eucalypt trees and shrubs for food and shelter. 

Expanding and enhancing koala habitat is a big focus of the Southern Highlands Koala Conservation Project. Koala habitat in parts of the Southern Highlands is severely fragmented.

Creating new habitat in the form of paddock trees, fence line plantings, steppingstone plantings or even windbreaks help connect patches of koala habitat and facilitate koala movement throughout the landscape. 

Contact your local native nursery or for information about sourcing local species for your property, or read the NSW Government's Koala habitat restoration guidelines.

Koala habitat restoration guidelines: A practical guide to identify, connect and restore koala habitat in New South Wales

Local koala food trees 

Did you know Southern Highlands koalas eat at least 23 species of eucalypts?

These species can be found across the Highlands, and planting locally occurring koala feed trees is a great way to support your local koala population.

Help us find koalas

Koalas are notoriously hard to find because they are so good at camouflaging into the tree canopy, but our research shows that almost all bushland in the Southern Highlands is koala habitat.

You can help our local koalas by searching for koala scat at the base of trees, looking for koala scratchings on tree trunks (double parallel claw marks), and going for a spotlight walk at night (you scan for eye shine with a torch!).

If you want to see koalas in the Southern Highlands, we recommend that you try your luck at:

If you do see a koala, please report it to the Southern Highlands Koala Conservation Project:

How can you help koalas?
Join a koala conservation program
Apply for a Biodiversity Conservation Trust Conservation Agreement
More resources
SEED Portal

SEED is a central resource for sharing of environmental data in NSW.

The NSW Koala Habitat information base includes koala habitat suitability maps, mapped priority population areas for the NSW koala strategy, mapped koala sightings and more.


BioNET is a repository for biodiversity data managed by the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment.

The species sightings database allows you to search for historical koala sightings in your local area.

Trees Near Me NSW

The Trees Near Me app helps us understand which trees species are present in our area and helps landholders understand which species to plant on their properties.

Photo gallery: local koala sightings