Erosion and Sediment Control



Changes in land uses from rural, open space or bushland settings to other forms have the potential to: 

  • Cause dramatic disturbances to the soil
  • Destroy vegetation
  • Alter natural drainage pathways
  • Affect the environmental and amenity values adversely, not only at the site, but areas downstream of it. 

During the land disturbance phase of development, hundreds of tonnes of soil can be eroded from each hectare of land disturbed in a development process and be deposited onto nearby lands or into downstream waterways and estuaries. Of particular concern is the fine, dispersible sediment that can carry other pollutants "piggyback" and do not settle until they reach saline waters. Inadequate planning and design for land disturbance activities can impart major ongoing management costs to future communities for the removal of this sediment, to reduce storm water pollution to acceptable levels, to reinstate the ecological values of streams and estuaries, and to enhance the values of recreational areas.

Improved environmental management is needed from all sectors of the development industry to control soil erosion and consequent sediment pollution to lands and waterways down-slope.

As the development and construction industries undertake the majority of this work they have the major responsibility for the control of erosion of soils and pollution from sediment, construction waste and the like during land disturbance activities and immediately afterwards. Land developers must fulfill their various responsibilities under the planning and legislative frameworks that have been established to ensure that works are undertaken in an environmentally sensitive manner. All operators should have a practical understanding of the principles of good soil and water management before being allowed on site.

Wingecarribee Shire Council ensures that those who disturb lands fore fills their roles relating to storm water management and the control of storm water pollution.

We are committed to working with site developers and new home owners, to ensure control methods are implemented to reduce erosion and sedimentation loss.