Climate Change
Wingecarribee Shire Council recognises the scientific and government position on climate change. Climate change may manifest as variable and intense weather patterns causing environmental, economic and social harm through drought, flood, bush fire, storm and sea level rises.
We are reducing our energy use and greenhouse gas emissions through projects such as switching to solar energy and upgrading to efficient LED lighting. We also track and report our greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate Change Adaptation Plan
In addition to reducing our energy use, we are implementing our Climate Change Adaptation Plan across Council’s operations and services. Council completed a risk assessment in 2014 and developed a strategy to reduce the organisation’s exposure to risk from climate change impacts. The Plan was updated in 2019.
Climate Change Adaptation Plan Summary(PDF, 337KB)
Climate Change Information
Explore this graphical representation of how climate change will affect our region and neighbouring areas.
Graphical Representation of How Climate Change Will Affect Our Region(PDF, 3MB)
Source - NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Read more about how climate change is affecting our region and neighbouring areas:
About climate change in NSW (Adapt NSW)
Climate projections for NSW (Adapt NSW)
Observed NSW Climate Change (Adapt NSW)
CSIRO Climate Change
Climate Change: Bureau of Meteorology

Source: Bureau of Meteorology
The chart above shows anomalies from mean temperature ranges based on average temperatures over 30 years (between 1961 and 1990).
- Red shows the years with higher than average temperature
- Blue shows the years with lower than average temperature