Food & Water

The community decided in the Wingecarribee Shire Community Strategic Plan 2031+ to ensure that no development takes place in Wingecarribee that would threaten the underpinning natural resources of the area as a water catchment, food bowl, and tourist and recreational attraction.

The Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) is a planning process developed by the former NSW Department of Water and Energy (DWE), with defined steps to effectively integrate water supply, sewerage and storm-water to achieve sustainable management of these services. 

DWE developed the IWCM Guidelines in 2004 and a revised Scope of Work (draft) in August 2007 to provide guidance on the development of an IWCM Strategy. 

The Wingecarribee IWCM Strategy Plan has followed these guidelines.

Water At Home

Water efficiency in the home is not only going to be essential for sustainable water use coming into a dry period of weather, but is also cost saving for the home owner. Water efficient devices can be installed, taps should be checked for leaks, mulch used in the garden and many more. The Smart Water Advice organisation is a wonderful resource which has tips for a variety of water saving activities, these resources can be found at:  

Wingecarribee Food Bowl

Our community is committed to producing a diverse range of quality food while protecting natural resources across the Southern Highlands.

Local food production includes farm gate sales, vegetables, fruit and berries, olives, grapes, nuts, cheese, meat (local suppliers to local butchers) and honey.

Food Producing Businesses

Local producers may find useful information on services that can assist their business in sustainable food production. 

The Rural Partner Program has more information and here is a copy of our Rural Living Handbook.

There are lots of resources to obtain Government assistance for land, water and farm management:


Food At Home

Residents can produce healthy seasonal food through gardening or by joining a local community garden. 

This can help to reduce grocery bills, avoid supermarket packaging and maintain a bio-diverse backyard. By growing your own food you can be confident about the source and quality of your food. 


The community decided in the Wingecarribee Shire Community Strategic Plan 2031+ to ensure that no development takes place in Wingecarribee that would threaten the underpinning natural resources of the area as a water catchment, food bowl, and tourist and recreational attraction.

The Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) is a planning process developed by the former NSW Department of Water and Energy (DWE), with defined steps to effectively integrate water supply, sewerage and storm-water to achieve sustainable management of these services. 

DWE developed the IWCM Guidelines in 2004 and a revised Scope of Work (draft) in August 2007 to provide guidance on the development of an IWCM Strategy. 

The Wingecarribee IWCM Strategy Plan has followed these guidelines.

Water At Home


Wingecarribee Food Bowl

Our community is committed to producing a diverse range of quality food while protecting natural resources across the Southern Highlands.

Local food production includes farm gate sales, vegetables, fruit and berries, olives, grapes, nuts, cheese, meat (local suppliers to local butchers) and honey.

Food Producing Businesses

Local producers may find useful information on services that can assist their business in sustainable food production. 

The Rural Partner Program has more information and a copy of the Rural Living Handbook.

There are lots of resources to obtain Government assistance for land, water and farm management:


Food At Home

Residents can produce healthy seasonal food through gardening or by joining a local community garden. 

This can help to reduce grocery bills, avoid supermarket packaging and maintain a bio-diverse backyard. By growing your own food you can be confident about the source and quality of your food.