Significant Tree Register

Samples of Signifant trees and commentry


A tree deemed significant in accordance with the defined categories of significant include:

  • Exceptional visual or aesthetic importance
  • Botanic or scientific significance
  • Significant ecological value
  • Historical or commemorative significance
  • Social significance


Significant trees are vital to the natural and cultural landscape of our Shire. They enhance our heritage and unique character, contributing to a healthier and more beautiful urban environment. The Significant Tree Register aims to identify, acknowledge, and promote the importance of notable trees within the landscape. It serves as a guide for their management and ensures their preservation for future generations.

The Register forms part of a suite of documents that provide the tools for tree management and planning in the Wingecarribee Shire Council (LGA) and includes the following:

  • Urban Tree Management Policy
  • Urban Tree Management Strategy
  • Register of Significant Trees

All trees in the Wingecarribee Shire Council (LGA) are valued and currently protected under State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021 and Council's Urban Tree Management Policy. The Significant Tree Register will be managed in accordance with Councils Tree Management Policy.

The Significant Tree Register is not a static list of specimens however constantly evolving as some trees die or require removal, and new trees are registered. New trees may be nominated by any individual or group by completing our online nomination form. New trees will be assessed against the following five (5) primary categories:

  1. Exceptional visual or aesthetic Importance
  2. Botanic or scientific significance
  3. Significant ecological value
  4. Historical and commemorative significance
  5. Social significance

Your information and observations help us improve and update the Register. Please help us by submitting your nomination so we can continue to advocate for the protection and celebration of Wingecarribee’s significant trees.


You are invited to nominate a tree to be considered for inclusion in the register, please complete the Significant Tree Nomination Form below. 

Significant Tree Nomination Form

Note:  The existing Significant Tree Register is currently being updated and should be available early 2025.

If you are still unsure about the process for removing trees, please contact Council via our Customer Request System which allows you to submit your requests at any time, from anywhere.  Alternatively, please contact us on 02 4868 0888.