The 10/50 Rule

The 10 50 Rule.jpg


In 2013, devastating bushfires ravaged Australia, causing widespread property destruction and endangering lives. In response, the NSW state government enacted new legislation aimed at assisting homeowners in making their properties safer from fires by allowing the removal of excess vegetation.

The 10/50 rule was established to grant residents in high-risk zones the authority to remove specific plants without council approval.  This rule applies to properties located in designated bushfire zones that meet specified criteria for land clearing in NSW.

The scheme allows people in a designated area to:

  • Clear trees on their property within 10 metres of a home, without seeking approval; and
  • Clear underlying vegetation such as shrubs (but not trees) on their property within 50 metres of a home, without seeking approval.


There are several types of buildings covered under the 10/50 scheme. These can include homes, visitor accommodations, caravans, childcare facilities, hospitals and schools – as long as there are external walls, and the property is habitable.

Measurement Guidelines

Measure the 10 meters for trees and 50 meters for shrubbery from the external walls of your building.

Structures permanently attached to the external walls, such as decks or garages, are included in these measurements.

Detached structures, like standalone decks, are not considered part of the main building for measurement purposes.


The rule applies only to vegetation on your property, you cannot clear vegetation from a neighbour’s property without permission.

Clearing vegetation within 10 meters of a lake or river that is 2 meters or more in width is prohibited.

The scheme does not apply to heritage properties or those with items of Aboriginal cultural significance.

Special restrictions exist for clearing trees on slopes greater than 18 degrees due to the risk of erosion or landslip.

Additional Considerations

Renters are also entitled to clear vegetation to reduce fire risk under the 10/50 rule.

Safe vegetation clearing methods that do not harm the soil profile should be used. Avoid burning or using heavy machinery like ploughs or bulldozers.

You can find out if your property is in a 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Entitlement Area via this link Check if you are in a 10/50 area

It is essential that if you are using the 10/50 rule that you have evidentiary support. 
Council can ask residents if tree removal has occurred under this approval method and for all documentation to be provided to support this method.