Flood Studies

Flood Prone Land Policy

Under the NSW Flood Prone Land Policy the management of flood prone land is, primarily, the responsibility of councils. The primary objective of the policy is to reduce the impact of flooding and flood liability on individual owners and occupiers of flood prone property, and to reduce private and public losses resulting from floods, utilising ecologically positive methods wherever possible. That is:

  • A merit approach shall be adopted for all development decisions in the floodplain
  • To take into account social, economic and ecological factors, as well as flooding considerations;
  • Both mainstream and overland flooding shall be addressed, using the merit approach, in preparation and implementation by councils of strategically generated floodplain risk management plans;
  • The impact of flooding and flood liability on existing developed areas identified in floodplain risk management plans shall be reduced by flood mitigation works and measures, including on-going emergency management measures, the raising of houses where appropriate and by development controls; and
  • The potential for flood losses in all areas proposed for development or redevelopment shall be contained by the application of ecologically sensitive planning and development controls.

Council is currently developing flood studies and floodplain risk management studies in accordance with the Flood Prone Land Policy and the Floodplain Development Manual.

NSW South Wales Floodplain Development Manual

FloodPlain Management Program - December 2024 Update(PDF, 117KB)

Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan – Bowral

Wingecarribee Shire Council engaged Bewsher Consulting Pty Ltd to prepare a Flood Study and a Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan for two catchments in Bowral: the Mittagong Creek catchment and the “Beavan Place” sub-catchment.

The Mittagong Creek catchment starts to the west of Old South Road, runs under a number of Bowral streets, passes under the railway near the Swimming Centre and travels along the western side of the railway past the Sewerage Treatment Plant before joining the Wingecarribee River. 

The study assessed various potential floods and developed plans to mitigate the effects of flooding in Bowral.

The study was completed in 2009 and was adopted by Council.

The flooding information about Bowral floodplain can be found in the following links:

Final Report Bowral FRMSP(PDF, 56MB)

Bowral Floodplain Risk Management Plan(PDF, 1018KB)

Bowral Flood Risks Precincts(PDF, 3MB)

Bowral 100 Year Flood Extent(PDF, 3MB)

Bowral Flooding Pictures(PDF, 3MB)

Bowral Floodplain Risk Management Study Plan(PDF, 51KB)

Bowral Probable Maximum Flood Extent(PDF, 5MB) 

Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan – Burradoo BU2 Catchment

Wingecarribee Shire Council engaged Cardno Lawson Treolar Engineering Consultants to undertake a flood study of the Burradoo Catchment BU2.

The catchment covers an area of 244 hectares and stretches from the ridgeline to the west of Eridge Park Road, centring on the intersection of Moss Vale Road and Holy Road; it then crosses Burradoo Road near the Yean Street intersection before outletting under the railway just north of Burradoo Station to join Mittagong Creek.

The study assessed potential flood behaviour in the catchment. The flood study was the first step towards the overall Floodplain Risk Management process in accordance with the NSW Floodplain Development Manual. The flood study was completed and adopted by Council in 2011. The Floodplain Risk Management Study for the Burradoo catchment BU2 is in progress and is expected to be complete in 2013.

The flooding information for the catchment can be accessed through the following links:

Burradoo BU2 Flood Study Final Report(PDF, 40MB)

Burradoo BU2 FRMSP Final Report(PDF, 28MB)

Probable Maximum Flood PMF Extent Burradoo(PDF, 373KB)

100 Year Flood Extent Map Burradoo(PDF, 312KB)

50 Year Flood Extent Map Burradoo(PDF, 313KB)

20 Year Flood Extent Map Burradoo(PDF, 311KB)

5 Year Flood Extent Map Burradoo(PDF, 308KB)

Frequently Asked Questions August 2009 Burradoo(PDF, 250KB)

Frequently Asked Questions September 2009 Burradoo(PDF, 252KB)

Burradoo Flood Study Report Executive Summary(PDF, 33KB)

Burradoo Catchment Plan(PDF, 849KB)

Burradoo Rainfall Event June 2007 Images(PDF, 3MB)


Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan – Nattai Ponds Catchment

The Nattai Ponds Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan was completed in 2019 and the final report was adopted by Council on 12 February 2020.

The study report can be accessed via the following links:

Study Report Volume 1 Nattai Ponds(PDF, 23MB)

Figures Volume 2 Nattai Ponds(PDF, 31MB)

Part 1 Nattai Ponds(PDF, 21MB)

Part 2 Nattai Ponds(PDF, 26MB)

Part 3 Nattai Ponds(PDF, 32MB)

Part 4 Nattai Ponds(PDF, 27MB)

Council appointed Catchment Simulation Solutions to undertake a flood study for the Nattai Ponds catchment. The flood study was completed in 2016 and was adopted by Council on 12 October 2016.

The information can be downloaded by clicking on the following files:

Nattai Ponds Flood Study Report(PDF, 15MB)

Nattai Ponds Catchment(PDF, 616KB)

1 AEP Flood Depth Velocities Nattai Ponds(PDF, 6MB)

1 AEP Flood Risk Precinct Maps Nattai Ponds(PDF, 6MB)



Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan – Nattai River

Council appointed WMA Water Pty Ltd to undertake a floodplain risk management study & plan for the Nattai River Catchment in Mittagong.

The study was completed in 2016 and was adopted by Council in April 2017. 

Nattai River Floodplain Risk Management Study Plan(PDF, 17MB)

Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan – Whites Creek

Review of the Whites Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

The Review of the Whites Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan was completed in 2020 and the study report was adopted by Council on 24 June 2020.

Please use the following links to access the report:

Whites Creek FPRMS Final Report Vol 1(PDF, 44MB)

Whites Creek FPRMS Final Report Vol 2(PDF, 47MB)


Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan – Robertson Village

Council commissioned J Wyndham Prince to undertake an overland flow study for Robertson Village. The flood study was completed in 2016 and was adopted by Council on 14 June 2017.

The study report can be downloaded by using the following links:

Robertson Village Study Report(PDF, 8MB)

FRMSP Options Roberston Village(PDF, 19MB)

Maps Robertson Village(PDF, 15MB)

Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan – Gibbergunyah Creek

The Gibbergunyah Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan was completed in early 2016 and the study report was adopted by Council in July 2016.

Gibbergunyah Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study Draft Plan(PDF, 24MB)


Flood Study – Wingecarribee River

The Review of the Wingecarribee River Flood Study was completed in February 2022.

The review study was adopted by Council on 20 July 2022. The study assessed potential flood behaviour in the catchment using the ARR’2019 procedures.

The review of the flood study covers the area upstream of the Wingecarribee Dam to Wallaby Rocks in Berrima.

This review study supersedes the previous Wingecarribee River flood study by SMEC completed in 2014.

The final report can be accessed by using the following links:

Final Report Part 1(PDF, 8MB)

Final Report Part 2(PDF, 96MB)

Stormwater Masterplan – West Mittagong

Stormwater Masterplan – Wembley Road and Farnborough Drive Catchments

Wembley Road and Farnborough Drive Catchments Overland Flow Study

Council appointed Catchment Simulation Solutions Pty Ltd to undertake an overland flow study for the Wembley Road and Farnborough Drive Catchments in Moss Vale. The Overland Flow Study was completed in August 2017 and was adopted by Council on 13 September 2017.

The study report can be downloaded by clicking on the following link:

Wembley Road and Farnborough Drive Catchments Overland Flow Study(PDF, 43MB)


Check your address

If you'd like to search for planning information about a property, you can do this online via the NSW Planning Portal's Spatial Viewer.

The Spatial Viewer is an enhanced digital mapping service that provides easy-to-use, information-rich maps for every address and lot in NSW.

On the viewer, once you have entered your address on the Layers panel there is a category called Hazard and the Flood Planning Map can be ticked.