Administrator delivers General Manager’s Performance Review

Published on 20 September 2022

Wingecarribee Shire Council logo

Wingecarribee Shire Council Administrator Viv May PSM has today delivered the assessment of General Manager Lisa Miscamble's first annual Performance Review.

"I'm pleased to announce that following a thorough assessment by the General Manager's Review Panel, Ms Miscamble was found to have consistently achieved, if not exceeded, the stringent benchmarks," he said.

The Review Panel unanimously found Ms Miscamble's performance for the 12 months between July 2021 to June 2022 to be ‘highly effective' for the three key criteria of her Performance Assessment.

The Performance Review Panel comprised of the Council Administrator, community representatives Ms Kelli Hayes and Ms Christine Hawkins AM and was facilitated by Ms Kath Roach of SINC Solutions.

Mr May said Ms Miscamble's performance should be viewed in context with the events of the last year.

"Residents should be under no illusion as to the complexity of returning a Council that can be respected, trusted and consistent," he said. "The General Manager should be very proud of how she led an organisation under the microscope while ensuring day-to-day functions were maintained."

The General Manager's performance was assessed against key criteria including Managerial Objectives and Specific Responsibilities, Project Objectives and Agreed Priority Projects and Personal and Professional Leadership Behaviours.

Ms Hawkins reiterated the legacy issues the General Manager had inherited.

"With low staff morale, poor culture and little of the structure or processes expected of a functioning council, Lisa also faced the combined challenges of the COVID restrictions, severe flood events that caused widespread damage to local infrastructure and a recruiting environment that is the tightest in 40 years," she said.

"The community will benefit greatly from Lisa's diligence and persistence in the face of such adversity."

Ms Hayes likewise praised the General Manager's first term.

"As a village resident of the Shire it was overwhelming to see all the initiatives that the council team, under Ms Miscamble's steady hand, have undertaken in the past twelve months," she said.

"I can only foresee more momentum in the future."