Don’t miss June 28 Extraordinary Meeting
Published on 28 June 2023
One for the diary – Wingecarribee Shire Council Administrator Viv May has called an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 28 June 2023 and community members are encouraged to take part.
Following feedback from the public exhibition period for Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting documents, the Extraordinary Meeting Agenda will include approval of the 2023-33 Resourcing Strategy, 2023-25 Delivery Program, and 2023-24 Operational Plan and Budget. Other priority matters will also be addressed.
Extraordinary Meeting of Council
Date: Wednesday 28 June 2023
Public forum: Time: 4:00pm
Council mtg: 4.30pm
Location: Council Chambers, 68 Elizabeth Street, Moss Vale NSW
For those unable to attend in person, the meeting will be live streamed on Council’s website at Access the agenda for the Extraordinary Meeting at: available from this Friday afternoon.
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