Farewelling one of our RFS families
Published on 02 June 2023
Where would Wingecarribee be without our RFS volunteers?
A Robertson family have been fondly farewelled after decades of service volunteering with Robertson Rural Fire Service. On Wednesday night, long-standing resident Mr Brendan Waters, who served with the Brigade for over 25 years, as captain for 14, was recognised for his tireless commitment and mentoring of new members
Brendan is relocating to Canada, along with his wife Sharon and son Chris, to join their son Caleb. During his service, he has responded to over 400 callouts.
Chris and Caleb Waters also received their 10 years’ service medals and certificates, and the Waters’ two other sons Joshua and Quentin were in attendance.
New Captain Jon Bracht also praised Brendan’s advocacy for shed and vehicle improvements.
Captains of the adjoining units of Carrington Falls, Avoca and Burrawang joined in farewelling the family.
RFS volunteers give so generously of their time and their services are acknowledged, together with all volunteers, and all are both respected and valued by Wingecarribee Shire Council, their service is exemplified by Brendhan Waters.