Station Street Improvement works
Published on 19 May 2022
Wingecarribee Shire Council is set to begin construction on stormwater drainage improvements works and a new carpark on Station Street in Bowral.
Works will include filling the existing open channel, construction of an underground stormwater drainage system and new 150-space carpark on land located west of Station Street between Bowral and Boolwey Streets.
On completion, the works will improve safety, deliver more efficient onsite stormwater drainage and provide additional formalised car parking with convenient access to the town centre.
While onsite vegetation will be removed prior to the start of construction all mature trees will be retained.
Works are scheduled to start in late May and conclude by September 2022.
Council will endeavour to minimise any disruption to nearby businesses and residents.
Road users and pedestrians are cautioned to be aware of heavy machinery and workers in the area, follow the changed traffic conditions and to exercise care when travelling through the work zones.
Council apologises for any temporary inconvenience associated with the improvement works.
For further information on the Station Street Stormwater and Carparking Improvement Works, contact Council’s Senior Construction Engineer on phone 4868 0578.