Station Street Night Works Continue

Published on 23 August 2022

Wingecarribee Shire Council logo

Wingecarribee Shire Council wishes to advise that night works on Station Street in Bowral will continue until September 2022.

Following consultation with the contractor, the night works have been extended to minimise the impact on daytime traffic and commercial inconvenience.

The night works began in mid-August and involve specialist contractor’s undertaking directional drilling to install a new underground watermain between Merrigang and Boolwey Streets.

Following the conclusion of the pipe installation the team will begin property connections and pipe testing.

Hours of construction will be 7 pm to 5 am on weekdays.

Traffic controllers will be stationed on-site to manage traffic at the work site. Road users are cautioned to follow the changed traffic arrangements, exercise care when travelling through the work zones and be aware of loose stones and heavy machinery in the area.

Weather permitting, works are expected to be completed by Friday 2 September 2022.

Council thanks residents and motorists in advance for their cooperation, and apologises for any temporary delays or inconvenience.

This project is being delivered through the Station Street Renewal program of works.

For more information, visit or contact Wingecarribee Shire Council on phone 4868 0888.