Waste Disposal Community Assistance Scheme
Published on 25 June 2024
Waste Disposal Community Assistance Scheme – Promoting Sustainable Resource Recovery
Wingecarribee Shire Council is committed to building a strong and sustainable future for our community, as outlined in the Community Strategic Plan – Wingecarribee 2041. This plan, developed in collaboration with residents, focuses on five key themes: leadership, people, places, environment, and economy.
The Waste Disposal Community Assistance Scheme is a new initiative designed to further our commitment to the environment theme within Wingecarribee 2041.
The scheme is open to local non-profit community organisations and community associations/groups. To encourage sustainable practices within the community, the scheme offers financial assistance to cover waste disposal costs.
Applications opened 20 June 2024 and close 11 July 2024. For more information on eligibility and criteria, visit the application page: https://wingecarribee.smartygrants.com.au/Wastedisposalcommunityassistancescheme
Approved organisations can access their allocated funds for responsible waste disposal through the Moss Vale Resource Recovery Centre's waste management system. This funding can be drawn down over a 12-month period ending June 30, 2025.
Together, let's build a more sustainable Wingecarribee! We encourage all eligible organisations to apply for this exciting opportunity and help us achieve this goal.