Council to Present Annual Report and State of Our Shire Report

Published on 14 November 2024

Placeholder image of Wingecarribee Shire Council logo

Wingecarribee Shire Council’s Annual Report 2023/24 and State of Our Shire Report 2021-2024 will be presented for endorsement at next week’s Council Meeting on Wednesday, 20 November. These reports showcase Council’s performance, key achievements and areas for future focus, setting a strong foundation for the new Council.  

The Annual Report details Council's achievements and performance for the year ending 30 June 2024. The State of Our Shire Report marks the end of term for the period of Administration and summarises the achievements and effectiveness in delivering the outcomes in the Community Strategic Plan (CSP). 

Council undertook a Community Survey in 2024 to provide important data to inform the State of the Shire report. Overall satisfaction with council has declined by 12% since 2022, with roads, development assessment, and communication highlighted as areas requiring focused attention. Feedback suggests that the period of Administration, following the NSW Government's decision to place Council under administration in 2021, has played a substantial role in shaping current community sentiment. While this period impacted overall perceptions of Council, the survey results also underscore the importance of further focus on communication, managing development, and road maintenance. 

The survey also pointed to areas where Wingecarribee Shire is meeting or exceeding community expectations. Services and facilities that received consistently high satisfaction levels above the regional benchmark included operation of libraries (98%), reliability of town water (96%), sewage performance (91%), domestic garbage collection (91%) and support for arts and culture (89%).   

Safety was a top-rated measure, performing above the Regional Benchmark, with 94% of residents stating that they feel safe during the day living in Wingecarribee Shire LGA.   

The State of Our Shire and Annual Reports provide a forward-looking foundation for the new Council. With renewed local representation, Council aims to work closely with residents and stakeholders to shape a strong, resilient future for the Wingecarribee Shire.