Council to Undertake Customer Satisfaction Survey

Published on 07 October 2022

A lady on the phone

Wingecarribee Shire Council will undertake a Customer Satisfaction Survey to obtain feedback on a range of Council services and facilities.

The telephone survey will be conducted by Micromex Research on behalf of Council between 12 October and 26 October 2022.

Surveys will be undertaken between 3.00pm and 8.30pm weekdays and 10.00am to 4.00pm on weekends.

Approximately 400 residents will be randomly selected to take part in the survey.

“Council is always looking at ways to improve its services and review the way it conducts its operations,” said Wingecarribee Shire Council’s Director Corporate Strategy and Resourcing Carmel Foster.

“This Customer Satisfaction Survey is one tool Council uses to listen to community feedback, track our progress and consider opportunities for future improvement,” she said.

Information gathered from the survey will be reported back to Council and used to guide allocation of future services.

“The survey also enables customers to have their say on the Shire’s services and facilities as well as their interactions with staff and management,” Ms Foster added.

“We ask customers who are contacted to be frank and open as ultimately the information we receive will be used to help inform future priorities and programs.”

Results from the survey will be benchmarked against results obtained from previous Customer Satisfaction Surveys.

Copies of previous Customer Satisfaction Surveys can be found at