Council’s Flood Recovery Assistance

Published on 10 March 2022

Cleaning up a flood

As flood waters recede Wingecarribee Shire Council is turning its focus to community recovery.

Council’s General Manager Lisa Miscamble said a multi-agency recovery effort was underway.

“At the start of the rains our priority was to ensure residents and motorists heeded warnings and returned home safe,” she said. “Now that the floodwaters are receding we’re able to shift attention to our recovery.”

Ms Miscamble said Council had been working closely with first-responder agencies including the NSW State Emergency Services, NSW Rural Fire Service, Transport for NSW and the NSW Police Force since the Southern Highlands had been declared a disaster area.

“The declaration by the Federal Government allows Council to access much needed disaster recovery monies,” Ms Miscamble said. “We’re currently in discussions with the other agencies as to how and where these funds are prioritised.”

“Supporting our residents through this recovery and returning them to their homes is our priority.”

Council is currently organising additional flood waste collection with details to publicised on Council’s website at

Welfare support visits are also being organised in conjunction with local and state community service organisations.

A Community Recovery Drop-In Hub is now available at Council’s Administration Building with a dedicated Flood Recovery Hotline activated on 1800 316 500

Council’s crews are also attending to urgent road repairs to enable the re-opening of impacted roads.

“While many roads have already re-opened some diversions and detours will remain in place until the roads have been made safe,” Ms Miscamble added. “We remind all motorists to slow down and drive to the conditions.”

Residents wishing to donate or volunteer their time or services are encouraged to visit and

“The ramifications and recovery from this flood will take considerable time,” Ms Miscamble stressed.

“Our priority is to ensure our residents remain safe and that we work together with our communities and key agencies to assist in the recovery effort.”