Donation gets Adventurous Women Platypus Dreamin
Published on 08 June 2023
Wingecarribee’s Adventurous Women Who Walk were so taken by local indigenous leader and educator, Wendy Lottery’s stories of her walking adventures, they sought funding through Council’s Community Assistance Scheme to offer the experience for local women from all walks of life. An engaging way to stay active, build community and gain a richer sense of place.
Members of the group wanted more when they first heard Wendy Lotter of Platypus Dreamin speak at an Adventurous Women Who Walk symposium in November of last year. “The community grants and donations being offered by Council were a timely opportunity for us to make that happen,” says Group President Kath Jones, who successfully applied for a $600 donation.
“Wendy gave us a whole new appreciation of spectacular Carrington Falls and surrounds, with insights from her culture,” Kath said. “A bushland trail you might have walked time and again is seen in a whole new light, through her eyes. It’s hard to believe you can live here for so long without knowing any of this about our natural environment.”
Wendy’s guided walks immerse nature-lovers in traditional use of native plants. “It was amazing to see a leaf transformed into something like soap when rubbed between your fingers with a little water,” Kath explains “We loved learning how paint pigments are traditionally made from raw elements found in nature.”
The experience is one of many different activities that keep the group motivated to meet regularly and walk trails Graded from 1-5, together for wellbeing. “It all started out as a few of us inspiring one another to get out and about after the isolation of COVID,” Kath says. “As the group’s grown, the walks have become more and more adventurous. We might abseil down some of the breathtaking escarpments or kayak a local waterway.”
Women from 18 to 82 years of age take part. Some need the encouragement of others in the group to carve regular time out for themselves, while others simply enjoy the companionship. “A lot turn up very bravely by themselves for the first time, not knowing a soul, and wind up making lasting connections.” Kath says.
If the promise of adventure appeals and you’d like to get involved with the Adventurous Women Who Walk, join their 700-strong facebook community and visit .
You’ll be welcomed and you’re guaranteed adventure!
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