Draft Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Policy on Exhibition
Published on 25 July 2022
Wingecarribee Shire Council is seeking comment from the community after Council endorsed the public exhibition of its draft Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Policy.
Council’s Director Corporate Strategy and Resourcing, Ms Carmel Foster explained the purpose of the draft policy.
“Council’s existing Advertising and Sponsorship Policy was adopted over 16 years ago,” she said.
“The draft policy presented to Council and now approved for public exhibition expands on this original policy from 2006 to include obligations and responsibilities with respect to grants, donations and sponsorship arrangements.”
Ms Foster said the draft Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Policy provides a framework for distribution of funds under Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993.
“In brief, the draft policy prescribes the general principles under which Council can consider accepting grants, donations and enter into sponsorship arrangements,” she said.
The draft policy has been developed in-line with guidelines released by ICAC regarding Sponsorship in the Public Sector.
The Administrator endorsed the public exhibition of the draft Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Policy at Council’s Ordinary Meeting of Wednesday 20 July 2022.
To view a copy of the draft Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Policy, visit https://participatewingecarribee.wsc.nsw.gov.au/ or view in person at Council’s Moss Vale Civic Centre or branch libraries.
Feedback can be made online, by email to mail@wsc.nsw.gov.au or in writing addressed to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141 Moss Vale 2577.
All feedback and submissions must be received by 4.30 pm on Friday 19 August 2022.
Following the close of the exhibition period, a final report considering feedback will be presented to Council.
For further information contact Wingecarribee Shire Council on phone 4868 0888.