Future sustainability and economic benefits of Bowral STP upgrade

Published on 16 March 2023

Bowral Town

A priority project for the communities of Bowral, East Bowral and Burradoo, extensive upgrades to increase the operating capacity of Bowral Sewage Treatment Plant are anticipated to have far reaching benefits for future sustainability, employment opportunities and economic development.

Following a rigorous process of assessment and negotiation, the resolution was made at this week’s ordinary meeting of Council, to award the $54,368,978.00 construction contract to Haslin Construction. Leaders in water and wastewater, NSW-wide, the company has a proven track record of successfully delivering infrastructure projects here in Wingecarribee Shire, including Bundanoon Wastewater Treatment Plant.

“Last upgraded in 2006, Bowral STP is nearing its design capacity and these works are necessary to protect the health and environment of our current and future communities,” said Wingecarribee Shire Council Manager Project Delivery, Ned Tripkovic.

“Commissioning of this project will not only meet the needs of current and future residential demands within the catchment, the scale of construction is expected to create significant opportunities for local job-seekers, suppliers and contractors,” Ned said.

Comprehensive improvements will provide the capability for meeting future growth scenarios, ensuring sustainability, and delivering high quality services for households.

WSC Senior Project Manager Jared Brignell, says processes and operational performance were extensively investigated, and a Discharge Impact Assessment Study undertaken, to inform a re-design that will protect sensitive local water environments and satisfy environmental objectives from the government regulator. “Bowral STP discharges into the Wingecaarribee River which flows into Lake Burragong, the source of Sydney’s drinking water, so great care has been taken to safeguard against the potential impact of treated water on these waterways,” Jared explains.

The study involved more than 1400 drawings to identify key re-design features, including:

  • Inlet works with 2 mechanical band screens for fine screening and grit removal
  • Contingency for emergency storm or flooding conditions, in the form of a manual screened bypass to the existing storm detention pond, which later returns stored water to the treatment process.
  • A new lift pump station to transfer influent to the bioreactors
  • Odour control measures
  • 2 new bioreactors and 2 secondary clarifiers
  • Tertiary filters consisting of 4 dual media filter cells and a new UV system
  • An aerobic digester
  • A new mechanical dewatering and sludge handling facility
  • Conversion of the existing catch/balance tank to an emergency storage tank
  • Upgraded reclaimed effluent system for onsite use

“We’ve taken a risk-averse approach, to mitigate against cost fluctuations in a volatile economic climate, with a lump sum tender,” Ned said. Negotiations were undertaken by Council’s senior project team, together with specialist consultants and a probity advisor, to protocols aligned with OLG tendering and ICAC direct negotiation guidelines.

“We’re confident the outcome represents value for the community,” Ned said. “The quality of this contractor’s work on government infrastructure, including as many as 25 Water Treatment Plants, has earned a reputation for excellence.” The scope and complexity of the upgrade suggests that completion can be expected within 18 moths to 2 years. “The community can expect regular updates as the project progresses.” Ned said.

The total project budget is $60.5 million.

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