Household Chemical CleanOut at Council Depot

Published on 22 April 2022

Council Depot

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) in conjunction with Wingecarribee Shire Council will be accepting unwanted chemicals as part of its annual Chemical CleanOut program on Saturday 30 April 2022.

Residents can drop off their unwanted household chemicals – FREE of charge – at Council’s Moss Vale Works Depot from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm.

Chemicals that can be dropped off include residential quantities (20 kilogram or 20-litre maximum container size) of:

  • household cleaners,
  • fluorescent globes and tubes,
  • car and household batteries,
  • motor oils and fluids,
  • paints,
  • garden, pool and hobby chemicals,
  • gas bottles, fire extinguishers and

“This service is important as it not only provides residents with a safe way to dispose of unwanted chemicals, but it also benefits the environment,” said Council’s Manager of Environment and Sustainability, Barry Arthur.

“Involvement in programs like this is a great way to keep problem waste out of landfill.”

Council’s Moss Vale Depot can be entered via Parkes Road, Moss Vale. Residents are reminded that the Depot is not located within the grounds of the nearby Resource Recovery Centre.

“Last year, a record volume of chemicals was collected from residents,” said Mr Arthur. “To keep up with demand, additional resources have been allocated to reduce wait times at this year’s event.”

“Remember, used or unwanted chemicals must always be properly disposed of and never poured down drains or sinks or placed in kerbside bins,” added Mr Arthur.

Council’s Chemical CleanOut is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the Waste Levy and supported by Council’s Environment Levy.

For more information call the Environment Line on phone 131 555 or visit