Let’s all Step Up to Clean Up

Published on 10 February 2023

Collecting garbage

An easy way to make a big difference to the local environment we all value and love here in the Highlands, Clean Up Australia Day is on Sunday 5 March, 2023.

We’re calling on residents and community groups to step up and help keep our shire beautiful by getting out there with family and friends, to rid our surrounds of rubbish, while enjoying the community spirit.

Council’s Waste Education and Policy Officer, Alyssa Vilar, said it’s simple and fun to get involved.

“It is up to all of us to do our part to ensure our natural environment is protected and looked after.”

Organisers at Clean Up Australia will send you a free starter kit that contains bags, gloves and everything you need to create a safe, fun and effective Clean Up.

Kits are available for individuals, families of four and groups of 10 – nominate which size you need as part of the registration process and please make sure you leave two weeks between registering and your event day, so Amazon has time to deliver it to your door!

And after all of your hard work, WSC organises additional waste services to help collect the rubbish from community clean-up sites.

For more information contact us on phone 4868 0888.