Love the beauty of our Shire? Let’s put a stop to illegal dumping

Published on 14 July 2023

2 kids running across a paddock that is clear of rubbish

We all value the beauty of our Shire with its lush green pastures and natural bushland. It’s why we’ve partnered with the NSW Environment Protection Authority to do away with unsightly and damaging illegal dumping in our region. Council has dedicated a new Ranger to the cause, and community members can make a difference by getting involved.

Under the joint, Regional Illegal Dumping (RID) initiative, Wingecarribee Shire Council (WSC) has recruited a new Ranger-Illegal Dumping, Chris Fonti. “Our community expects us to maintain the picturesque appearance of our Shire for everyone to enjoy and we’re committed to doing that,” Chris says. “With such a vast area to cover, community members can contribute by keeping an eye out for illegal dumping and calling it in.”

Chris encourages anyone with knowledge of illegal dumping of waste, anywhere in our region, to report it through RID Online , or call it in on 131 555.You may of course, also reach out to the Council’s Rangers by calling (02) 4868 0888,” Chris says.

Residents can rest assured that any information provided will be treated confidentially. Once you submit your report through RID Online, WSC will receive an email notification of the details and investigate. “It helps to include as much detail as possible, such as the location, date and time,” Chris explains. “If it’s safe to obtain, letting us know the registration of any vehicle involved will assist with pursuing prosecution of the offender.”

It’s important to realise that illegal dumping of waste is a criminal act. The Wingecarribee Local Illegal Dumping Strategy is based on this principle, and takes into account the significant social, environmental and financial implications for our community.

Anyone who unlawfully disposes of waste on Council-owned or managed land, may incur a fine of up to $2,000. Corporations may be fined up to $4,000, under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.

“We deeply appreciate the cooperation of our community members as we work together to keep our beautiful Shire clean and free from unsightly and damaging, illegal dumping,” Chris says.

For weekly updates on all that’s happening in our Shire, and opportunities to get involved, join Council’s Your Shire e-news and follow us on socials.