Managing Our Roads Amidst Natural Disaster Challenges

Published on 14 May 2024

Council workman fixing a pothole

Wingecarribee Shire Council faces the dual challenge of addressing potholes while contending with the aftermath of natural disasters. Recent data shows we have experienced the highest number of natural disaster declarations in the State over the past four and a half years, with the Illawarra and Upper Lachlan Shire. 

This has had an extraordinary impact on both our infrastructure, especially our roads and our people.

Despite the constant barrage of natural disasters, Wingecarribee Shire Council (WSC) remains steadfast in our commitment to ensuring safe roadways for our residents.

Following a weekend marked by heavy rainfall, the resurgence of potholes on our local roads is evident. While highway pothole repairs fall under the jurisdiction of Transport for NSW, we maintain open lines of communication, advocating for the swift repair of priority spots.  On Council managed roads, our dedicated crews have been mobilised, prioritising key thoroughfares.

Our crew members are filling potholes promptly following the recent heavy rains on roads under the control of Wingecarribee Shire Council. However, we acknowledge the temporary nature of these repairs and maintain comprehensive records to guide future capital planning.

As we undertake repairs, we encourage motorists to drive to the road conditions, particularly in the aftermath of severe weather events.

Our staff are locals too and are doing their best to ensure the roads are repaired as quickly as possible, as well as advocating to both the State and Federal Government to assist Council’s such as Wingecarribee for improved funding for communities where there is a high impact on infrastructure as a result of ongoing natural disasters”, said Council’s General Manager Lisa Miscamble

For more information on road maintenance in Wingecarribee, please visit our Roads page: