Mittagong Playhouse Refurbishment Update

Published on 05 May 2022


Wingecarribee Shire Council has awarded the contract to undertake the detailed design works and submitted the Development Application for the restoration of the Mittagong Memorial Hall and Playhouse.

The Development Application was lodged with Council via the NSW Government’s Planning Portal in April and the detailed Design and Documentation Contract awarded to NBRS & Partners.

Council’s Interim Administrator Viv May PSM said the Development Application and design contract represented critical milestones in the restoration of the heritage building.

“These developments will enable Council to finalise the design for the restoration paving the way for the building to be returned to its former glory,” he said.

The Memorial Hall and Playhouse have stood vacant since serious structural faults were detected in the building in October 2019. Structural bracing was erected on the exterior of the building’s western wall shortly thereafter.

Since the building’s closure extensive investigations and work have been carried out including the dismantling of the interior ceiling, re-configuration of interior floorplan designs and preliminary preparation of drawing documentation.

The Interim Administrator thanked the community for their ongoing patience.

“While we would all love to see the building re-open as soon as possible, community safety remains of paramount importance,” he said. “We also want to ensure that any works meet the needs of current and future patrons.”

“Restoration and repairs will also be costly and extensive,” added Mr May.

Council has allocated $2 million towards the restoration project and has applied for a further $5 million under the State Government’s Create NSW Arts and Cultural Funding Program.

Proposed works include:

  • Complete refurbishment to the Playhouse auditorium,
  • Structural rectification of the building’s walls and roof structure,
  • Refurbishment of the first-floor to enable the relocation of the Berrima District and Family Historic Society,
  • Refurbishment and construction of the ground floor and inclusion of functional multi-use lobby area,
  • Construction of compliant public amenities,
  • Inclusion of disability access provisions including two lifts,
  • Installation of mechanical ventilation to entire building, and
  • Upgrade of all electrical, data and fire and services.

Member for Wollondilly Nathaniel Smith said he looked forward to the building’s restoration.

“The Mittagong Playhouse is without doubt one of the Shire’s most beloved heritage buildings,” he said. “It will be a welcome sight to see the doors to this beautiful building re-open to the public.”

For more information contact Council on phone 4868 0888.