Outlining election priorities for a thriving shire

Published on 20 February 2023

Family at pond with a dog

We all want our shire to prosper and thrive, and in the lead up to the 2023 NSW State Government Elections, Wingecarribee Shire Council has detailed a list of critical priorities to support social, economic and environmental sustainability across the Southern Highlands.

Presented before Council at its February Meeting, the Election Priorities 2023 document calls on all levels of government to support Council in delivering essential infrastructure projects and services of Shire-wide benefit.

Wingecarribee Shire Council Administrator Viv May PSM said the Elections Priorities document provided a clear and strategic focus on Council’s priorities that will provide intergenerational benefits to the community.

“Included in the document are six key priority themes that Council has nominated as critical to the future prosperity and sustainability of the Shire,” he said. “A great deal of care and thought has gone into identifying what will add the greatest value to our Highlands economy and provide essential infrastructure for our growing Shire for years to come.”

“They’ve also been nominated to promote our Shire’s natural and built attractions and ensure we preserve and enhance our precious environment for future generations.”

The six priorities nominated include Resilience and Natural Disasters, Transport and Road

Infrastructure, Environment and Resource Management, Strategic Planning and Housing, Healthy and Strong Communities, and Employment and Investment Opportunities.

“Within each of these priorities Council has detailed key projects that will help stimulate the local economy, improve resilience and protect our natural assets,” Mr May said.

Examples of projects highlighted include the establishment of an Emergency Operations Centre to assist during natural disasters, the construction of the Moss Vale Bypass to alleviate traffic congestion and upgrades to critical sewage treatment plants to meet future housing needs and improve environmental protection.

“These are not pie in the sky ideas or projects, but rather, obtainable and achievable projects that have the very real ability to make a positive and long-lasting contribution to our Shire and region” Mr May added.

“However, for Council to realistically achieve and deliver on these priorities we need both in-kind and financial support from our respective State and Federal leaders to alleviate the growing financial pressures on our community.”

“To this end I’m inviting our Shire’s respective State and Federal representatives, both prior to and after the March elections, to meet and discuss Council’s plans for an even brighter future.”

To view Council’s Election Priorities 2023 document, visit www.wsc.nsw.gov.au/Council/Strategies-Plans/Election-Priorities-2023.