Pushback on Plasrefine Proposal in line with community sentiment
Published on 17 November 2023
At yesterday’s Ordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday November 15, Council heard a Submission prepared by the Professional Officers in relation to the Plasrefine Proposal. In line with the community’s clear sentiment, and taking into consideration further community representation on the matter during the Public Forum, Council Administrator Viv May moved that Council’s submission will stand firm that while not opposed to the concept in principle, the proposed location is fundamentally unsuitable.
The following points will subsequently be added to Council’s final submission due today.
a) That there is significant community concern in relation to the proposal in its current location and form.
b) That, as noted in the Officers report, the proposal is not consistent with the existing Moss Vale Enterprise Corridor Development Control Plan and the planning for the Southern Highlands Innovation Park (SHIP) Phase 1 Master Plan which identifies the site for innovation and business park uses.
c) That Council secured funds from the State Government to undertake a Master plan and Governance model for the delivery of the largest employment lands south of the aerotropolis (SHIP) and that the proposal and any decision on this application would be premature as it has the potential to undermine this critical strategic work.
d) That Council is not opposed to the concept of a plastics recycling facility, given the alignment with environmental outcomes, however the location needs to be consistent with the draft vision for the SHIP and consistent with the overall masterplan that is currently being prepared and its presentation would be premature at this time.
e) That significant further discussion is required in relation to the proposed major changes to the geometry of local roads and implications for local rail.
Wingecarribee Shire Council Administrator Mr Viv May said “It is Council’s position that while the proposal may have strategic merit at the regional and state level with the emerging circular economy and green industries, the proposed location is fundamentally inappropriate.”
“The community sentiment is clear, and it is important to listen to that and take our community on the journey with us, as DPE builds trust and consensus around this significant policy area.” Mr May said.
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