Review the Draft Plans for Southern Highlands Innovation Park

Published on 31 July 2024

SHIP concept design from another project elsewhere

Public Invited to Review Draft Plans for Southern Highlands Innovation Park (SHIP)

The community is invited to review and provide feedback on the Southern Highlands Innovation Park's (SHIP) Draft Master Plan, Governance Strategy, Strategic Positioning Study, and Engagement Outcomes Report. These documents are all on public exhibition for 8 weeks, starting Monday, July 29, 2024, until Monday, September 23, 2024.

Located between Moss Vale and New Berrima, the SHIP comprises some 1,053 hectares of industrial zoned land. This regionally significant precinct was originally recognised as a ‘Future Industrial Corridor’ in the 1979 Interim Development Control Map and later as an employment precinct under the 1989 Wingecarribee Local Environmental Plan (LEP). The SHIP offers a unique opportunity to attract sustainable and innovative industries, positioning itself as a major economic driver for the Shire and the broader region, providing employment opportunities and stimulating investment in enabling infrastructure.

The draft Master Plan and Governance Strategy represent a significant step towards realising our vision for the SHIP as a hub of innovation and sustainability,” said Wingecarribee Shire Council’s Acting General Manager, Hamish McNulty. “We are committed to creating a space that not only drives economic growth but also enhances the quality of life for our residents.

The draft Master Plan and supporting documents have been prepared by consultants Architectus, Astrolabe, and SGS Economics and Planning, in close collaboration with the community and stakeholders.

Input was gathered through workshops, interviews, and surveys involving landowners, tenants, the community, industry representatives and key agencies.

Community and stakeholder input has been invaluable in shaping these plans,” added Hamish. “We encourage everyone to take this opportunity to review the documents and provide their feedback.”

Since its designation as an employment-generating area in 1989, the SHIP's strategic location near Sydney, Canberra, Wollongong, and the new Western Sydney Airport provides an unparalleled opportunity for future development that is focused on design, lifestyle, innovation, and sustainability.

The long-term vision for the SHIP includes targeting long-term attractions, harnessing economic strengths and celebrating the unique attributes of the Southern Highlands. To achieve this vision, the Draft Master Plan and Governance Strategy aspire to champion innovation in the agribusiness, resource and advanced manufacturing space. Additionally, the precinct aims to cultivate an emerging biotech research sub-precinct, creating a dynamic and multi-faceted environment.

Your input is valuable! Community members can submit their feedback in writing via the Public Exhibition Submission Form, email, hand delivery to the Civic Centre, or by post. For detailed information and to access the submission form, visit the Participate website:

Join Us: A drop-in session will be held on Saturday, 31 August, 2024, from 10 am to 12 noon at the Wingecarribee Shire Council - Civic Centre Theatrette. This session offers an excellent opportunity to learn more about SHIP and engage directly with the planning team.