Sports field bookings made easier

Published on 03 March 2023

Aerial of David Wood Playing Fields in East Bowral on game day

To improve the booking process and provide fairer access to sports fields across the Shire, draft terms and conditions for annual and seasonal hire have been prepared. Wingecarribee Shire Council is now calling for feedback from the community.

“Council operates and maintains 23 sports fields across the Shire,” said Carmel Foster, Director Corporate Strategy and Resourcing.

“The draft terms and conditions set out specific dates and conditions for annual and seasonal hirers. Once implemented, bookings will be displayed via an online calendar providing greater visibility to both users and Council’s maintenance team.”

To view a copy of the draft Terms and Conditions for Sporting Facilities, visit Council’s online Consultation Hub at or view in person at Council’s Moss Vale Civic Centre or branch libraries.

Feedback can be made online, by email to or in writing addressed to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141 Moss Vale 2577.

All feedback and submissions must be received by 4.30 pm on Friday 24 March 2023.

Following the close of the exhibition period, a final report considering feedback will be presented to Council.

For further information contact Wingecarribee Shire Council on phone 4868 0888.