Want to help shape the future of our Shire?

Published on 28 March 2023

Family at pond with a dog

Want to help shape the future of our Shire? Participate in Council’s Community Strategic Plan

Want to help shape the future of our Shire? Here’s your opportunity to review and provide feedback on the current draft of the Wingecarribee Shire ‘refreshed’ Community Strategic Plan.

Council’s General Manager Lisa Miscamble said the draft plan is one of Shire’s most important documents, and a priority for the entire Highlands community.

“This is a long-term plan that identifies where the Wingecarribee community wants to be in the future and how we aim to get there together,” she said. “It represents our community-led and focused approach and requires a collaborative effort, involving locals, Council and other spheres of government, and local business and industry.”

Ms Miscamble said the draft, refreshed Community Strategic Plan, called Wingecarribee 2041, had been developed with input from over 460 individuals through a series of focus groups, an online youth survey and telephone community research survey.

“We wish to thank everyone for their input and now present the resulting draft document to the wider community for their feedback,” she said.

Current, new and emerging challenges and opportunities for the Shire are detailed in the collaborative document.

Included, are strategies to address key issues such as our Shire’s ageing population, housing access, support and retention of young people and increase our community’s resilience to natural disasters.

The Community Strategic Plan was last reviewed in 2017 and following endorsement by Council is on public exhibition until 14 April 2023.

“I would encourage all interested people to take a few moments to review the Community Strategic Plan and provide comment by the 14 April,” Ms Miscamble added. “We really value your contribution, because it’s through the eyes of residents, community groups and local business owners that we’ll gain a true picture of the priorities and aspirations that matter most to the whole of our community.”

To view the draft refreshed Community Strategic Plan, visit Participate Wingecarribee or phone 4868 0888.

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