We’re mentoring local students exploring options for local careers

Published on 02 November 2023

Mentoring for Careers at Council
We’re mentoring local students exploring options for local careers at Council

Dynamic young people are the future of our Shire. Together with local schools and TAFE, we’re presenting possibilities and creating opportunities for students across Wingecarribee to explore local career paths. Our first ever Careers at Council expo in September was so well received that other regions have expressed interest in copying our model and approach. Taking part generated a lot of interest in work experience with us, among 161 local high school students, and we’ve just hosted our first two students from Moss Vale High.

With the support of Moss Vale High School’s Careers Advisor Philip Warwick we welcomed our first two curious students, Oliver and Ned, for frontline experience during October. Oliver joined our Open Spaces Team while Ned was with our Water Treatment Team and had some time with our General Manager.

By all accounts, they’ve been amazed to see first-hand just how much we have happening here at Council and the many different career options available. “We’re thrilled to be offering work experience opportunities with Council again for the first time in 8 years,” Philip Warwick says.

There are so many career possibilities available here in Wingecarribee and Council offers pathways to all of them. The Careers at Council expo showcased that so well and really opened our students’ minds to the qualifications involved in attaining those various careers and the range of training available within Council.”

I go to careers expos all over Australia and the Careers at Council expo was by far the most well put together,” Philip said. “As a result of the interest it inspired in our students, it’s been a real plus for Oliver and Ned to have the opportunity for such enlightening work experience. In partnership with WSC, we look forward to connecting more of our students with work experience suited to their interests, that gives them plenty to think about for their career choices.”

Council’s Human Resources Business Partner, People and Culture, Megan Sheather says, “Everyone involved in this initial work experience placement has spoken so positively of the outcomes. Many of our staff have taken-up the opportunity for training in mentoring, offered by Learning and Development Program. Our Wastewater Treatment Supervisor, Woz, was one of them. He says it’s been so rewarding to be able to bring those skills to imparting helpful knowledge and practical experience to local student Ned.”

With 22 years experience in various roles at Wingecarribee Shire Council (WSC), Woz has a wealth of knowledge to share. “I asked myself what I would want to know if I was in his shoes and made sure he had real frontline experience, getting out to treatment plants and sitting in on project meetings,” Woz says. “His family stopped me in the street at Bundanoon to say how much he got out of his time with us and that hearing him talk about how technical it is to get clean water to their household tap was an eye-opener for the whole family.”

Ned learned about major construction underway to deliver vital upgrades for key Council infrastructure and how Council’s water operations integrate with State water authorities. “We explored the various traineeships available, depending on what he’s interested in pursuing for his future,” Woz said. “Our General Manager started out as a day care teacher and has a good understanding of career pathways in Local Government. Lisa set aside half an hour in her schedule to invest some time in Ned’s visit to the Civic Centre where he gained a good understanding of the administrative side of services Council provides to the community,”

Our Team Leader Open Spaces, Mick Young, said Oliver showed such enthusiasm for participating in tending to 15 different parks during his time with Council. “He enjoyed being brought in on our morning Tool Box Talks and jumped at the opportunity to get hands-on with what we do across several sites which gave him a good sense of what’s involved in a role with this side of the many services Council provides to the community,” Mick said.

Interested in work experience with Council? Ask your Careers Advisor to connect you with us. For weekly updates on news like this and opportunities to get involved, Join Council’s Your Shire e-news community and follow us on socials.

Mentoring local students