Windy Weather Caution for Highlands

Published on 02 August 2022

Fallen tree

With the blustery weather soon due, Wingecarribee Shire Council is reminding residents and builders to secure any items that could be blown about in strong winds.

“August and September are traditionally our windiest months with strong westerly winds common across the Shire,” said Council’s General Manager, Ms Lisa Miscamble.

The General Manager said following wind storms Council staff and emergency services personnel spend a large amount of time cleaning up blown debris.

“Wind storms are some of the most labour intensive and costly natural events that Council staff respond to,” she said. “Council crews spend considerable time clearing roads of fallen trees and helping our emergency service personnel make areas safe following wind storms.”

However, the General Manager said there were precautions residents and builders could take to help minimise damage.

“Following each large wind event Council inevitably receives calls to clear roads of wayward trampolines and rubbish that has escaped from bins and yards,” she said.

“Our advice is to securely tie down any loose items in the yard to minimise the chance of them making their way onto our streets and into our drains and waterways,” Ms Miscamble said. “Strap down trampolines, tuck away garden furniture and tie up bags of rubbish before placing them in your red-lidded garbage bins.”

“By doing this we’ll all help reduce the chance of rubbish polluting our environment and lessen the chance of somebody being injured by flying debris.”

The General Manager suggested builders also ensure jobs sites were secure at the end of the day’s work.

“Before putting the tools away, we ask that builders do a quick check to ensure their job sites are secure,” she said.

The General Manager said that Council often receives complaints of polystyrene waffle pods escaping job sites following high winds.

“These lightweight pods are used in the construction of concrete slabs and if blown about they readily break apart and cause a considerable mess,” she added. “If broken up these polystyrene pieces are very difficult and time-consuming to clean up and they also pose an environmental hazard as they don’t decompose.”

“We always ask builders to ensure that any polystyrene pods are securely tied, pegged, covered in netting or enclosed in a compound to ensure they don’t escape in high winds.”

Residents who experience damage from storms, wind or hail should call the NSW SES on 132 500. In a life-threatening emergency always call Triple 0 (000).

To report an issue to Council phone 02 4868 0888 (24/7) or visit