Wingecarribee Shire Council Takes Steps to Preserve Local Heritage

Published on 15 August 2024

Water fountain in sun with trees in background

Wingecarribee Shire Council has taken a major stride in preserving the region's rich heritage by adopting the Community Heritage Study 2021-23. This comprehensive plan, approved during the August Ordinary Meeting, aims to identify and protect significant heritage sites throughout the Shire. 

The study, which has undergone extensive community consultation and an independent peer review, was also considered by the Local Planning Panel in mid-July 2024. The Panel also reviewed the Independent Peer Review Response to Submissions (July 2024) and subsequently provided recommendations which were incorporated in the final report. 

Key outcomes of the study include: 

  • Heritage Listing: 412 properties have been identified for heritage listing, including the addition of new heritage elements to four existing heritage listed sites. 

  • Heritage Conservation Areas: Eight new heritage conservation areas in Bowral, Burradoo, Exeter, Kangaloon, Robertson and Wildes Meadow and extensions to existing heritage conservation areas in Bowral, Bundanoon and Mittagong. 

  • Further Investigation: Some properties and areas will undergo further assessment and consultation before a decision on heritage listing is made. 

“This unresolved legacy issue from 2012 highlights the essential need to protect our local heritage to preserve our community's identity and character,” said Mr Viv May, Wingecarribee Shire Council’s Administrator. “This study represents a significant milestone in our commitment to safeguarding our region’s cultural heritage for future generations.” 

“I congratulate all the volunteers who worked on this study. They have put thousands of hours into getting the report to this stage and without them, this would not have been possible,” concluded, Mr May. 

The Planning Proposal to formally protect the identified heritage items and conservation areas will now be sent to the NSW Government for a Gateway Determination. This proposal will be subject to public exhibition before being submitted to the NSW Government for finalisation. 

To learn more about Community Heritage Study, visit the Participate Wingecarribee website: