Australia Day Citizens Ceremony and Celebration

Wingecarribee's 2024 Australia Day celebrations began with a Citizenship Ceremony at the Market Place Public Reserve on 26 January 2024 to welcome many new citizens to the region.
Residents, friends and families enjoyed the beautiful Summer's day with a variety of venue pop-ups, picnics in the park, and family friendly attractions.
The Southern Highlands community family fun day returned to the historic township of Berrima this Australia Day and lots of peopled joined the celebrations.
Dennis and Uta Purcell named 2024 Joint Citizen of the Year
Pictured: Wingecarribee's 2024 Joint Citizens of the Year Dennis and Uta Purcell.
Working in harmony as a dynamic duo, Uta and Dennis Purcell, residents of Burradoo, jointly secured the title of Wingecarribee Shire Council's Citizens of the Year 2024. Their commendable contributions to local education, charities, and the arts earned them this prestigious recognition.

Pictured: Wingecarribee's 2024 Young Citizen of the Year Mackenzie Isedale.
The title of 2024 Young Citizen of the Year goes to Mackenzie Isedale from Welby, acknowledging her remarkable fundraising and charity efforts in the aftermath of her battle with cancer.
The Citizen of the Year Awards recognise people who have made a significant contribution to the Wingecarribee Shire Community, with recipients announced each year on Australia Day.
Wingecarribee's 2024 Australia Day Ambassador
Pictured: Wingecarribee Shire 2024 Australia Day Ambassador Ms Robina Beard OAM.
Ms Robina Beard OAM acted as the Wingecarribee Australia Day Ambassador on 26 January, 2024. For over 20 years, Robina was a familiar face to households Australia-wide, playing the part of Madge the Manicurist in a television commercial for Palmolive Dishwashing Liquid. Her memoir, ‘My Life: You’re Soaking in it’ takes its title from her now famous line in this commercial which quickly caught on in popular culture.
Robina’s 65 year commitment to Australian arts was recognised in 2011 with an OAM for her ‘Services to the Theatre, particularly in dance’.
Her love of dance from the age of 7 ultimately earned Robina an Australian Dance Award for Lifetime Achievement. Ausdance National President Susan Street credited her with being one of our country’s most recognisable dance and performing artists.
A former NSW Seniors Festival Ambassador, Robina continues to pour herself into tap-dancing and exercise classes for seniors.
Robina congratulated our 2024 Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year participants as part of this celebratory occasion.
Immediately following the presentation of these Awards and the Citizenship Ceremony, was the Australia Day street parade, market stalls, local food and wine, amusements and loads of other family friendly activities were enjoyed.
2024 Australia Day photo gallery
Young Citizens of the Year Honour Roll
1982 - Judy Bailey
1983 - James Armstrong
1985 - Julie-Anne Armstrong
1986 - Kim Garske and Darren Saunders
1987 - James Peters and Amanda Stead
1988 - Diana Garrett and Andrew Simmons
1989 - David Lawler
1990 - Matthew Casson
1993 - Wendy Missingham
1994 - Kellie Pyne
1995 - Joshua Combes
1996 - Not awarded
1997 - Not awarded
1998 - Lisa Turczynski
1999 - Ben Shephard
2000 - Melia Condon
2001 - Michael Burge
2002 - Jennifer Purcell
2003 - Karen Webb
2004 - Travis Holland
2005 - Melissa Perrine and Brooke Eccleston
2006 - Belinda Miller and Brendan Smith
2007 - Ross Muller
2008 - Meghan Barrell
2009 - Samuel Wade
2010 - Leslie Jonson-Hoye
2011 - Emily Farrar
2012 - Brittany McCrea
2013 - Erica Longhurst
2014 - Jack Moran
2015 - Luke Webb
2016 - Amelia Brook
2017 - Zoe Brain
2018 - William Koek
2019 - Darcy Howard
2020 - Caitlin Gallagher
2021 - Charlotte Gillespie
2022 - Jeremy Millward
2024 - Mackenzie Isedale
Citizens of the Year Honour Roll
1982 - Dulcie Waite
1983 - William Hudson
1984 - Graham Brown
1985 - Mac Cott
1986 - Peg Charlesworth and Wesley Thomas
1987 - Charles Krenkel and Gladys Thorpe
1988 - Jess Kerr and Les Lambert
1989 - Bonnie Pierce and John Springett
1990 - James Armstrong and Judy Browne
1991 - Clarice Boyd and Charles Tate
1992 - Arthur Thomson
1993 - Janet Greason
1994 - Roger Gough
1995 - Laurie Curley
1996 - Barry Butterfield Jnr
1997 - Richard Ruhfus
1998 - John Paddison
1999 - Jone Armstrong
2000 - Joan Compagnoni
2001 - Trevor Bensley
2002 - Shirley Beaumont
2003 - Dennis Brown
2004 - Freda Ayoub
2005 - Brian Whyte
2006 - Margaret Maclean
2007 - Grace Avery and Terry Oakes-Ash
2008 - Petrea King and Berlio O’Brien
2009 - George Schofield
2010 - Gordon Lewis OAM
2011 - Velma Mulcahy
2012 - Jennifer Bowe
2013 - Marie Hodgson
2014 - Leonie Knapman
2015 - Harlan Hall
2016 - Kathy Roche
2017 - Dr Allan Beavis OAM
2018 - Aunty Wendy Lotter
2019 - Hans Radowitz
2020 - Sidney (Sid) Jeffery
2021 - Catherine Constable
2022 - Eric Savage
2023 - John Creighton
2024 - Dennis & Uta Purcell