Citizenship Ceremony

Wingecarribee Shire hosts Citizenship Ceremonies to welcome those in our community who are taking the step to become an Australian citizen.

Once eligible participants receive confirmation of approval from the Department of Home Affairs, Council will send an invitation to attend an upcoming ceremony via email approximately 2-3 weeks prior to the next scheduled ceremony date.

2025 Citizenship Ceremonies  

20 May 2025 - Moss Vale Civic Centre

26 August 2025 - Moss Vale Civic Centre

3 December 2025 - Moss Vale Civic Centre

Photos from previous Citizenship Ceremonies

To view photographs of previous Citizenship Ceremonies, see Wingecarribee Shire Council's photo gallery.

Frequently Ask Questions

I want to attend your next Citizenship Ceremony

Unfortunately Council do not have any control over your application for Citizenship or the Application Process. All enquiries about you application need to be directed to the Office of Home Affairs

I have recieved an invite but can't make it.

Please RSVP to us your inability and the Office of Home Affairs will notify you when the next Ceremony will be.

What is the Dress code for the Ceremony

Dress Code is Smart Casual

What must I bring to the ceremony

Please bring photo identification to the registration desk upon you arrival at the ceremony. If you don't have Photo ID you must bring 3 official documents with your name and address on them.

Children under 16 years old are not required to bring ID or to make the pledge but are welcome to participate in the ceremony.

Should you wish to make the Australian Citizenship Pledge on your own holy book, please bring that holy book to the ceremony.

Further information on what to expect at your Citizenship Ceremony is available on the citizenship website

The Australian Citizen Pledge

At the Citizenship Ceremony you will be asked to make the following Pledge of Commitment:

From this time forward, under God*,

I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people,

whose democratic beliefs I share,

whose rights and liberties I respect, and

whose laws I will uphold and obey.

*you may choose whether or not to include the words ‘under God’

A pledge card with the wording of the Australian Citizenship Pledge will be given to you at the Ceremony. An audio version of the Australian Citizenship Pledge is also available on the citizenship website for you to practice prior to the ceremony.

Should you wish to make the Australian Citizenship Pledge on your own holy book, please bring that holy book to the ceremony.

Further information on what to expect at your Citizenship Ceremony is available on the citizenship website

Do I need to be a local resident

All new conferees must be reside in the Wingecarribee Shire Local Government Area (LGA). If your residential and/or postal address has changed since your last contact with the Department of Home Affairs, please ensure the details have been updated in ImmiAccount.