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Council, in collaboration with Wollondilly Council, Resilience NSW and National Recovery and Resilience Agency, held a Response, Recovery and Resilience Expo across 3 days in November 2021.
This Expo assists community to identify what help is available after a disaster and demonstrates the collaborate approach between community, Local Government, State and Federal Government in response, recovery and resilience following a disaster.
View the Webinar that discusses important information about rebuilding after a natural disaster, disaster resilient building principals and BAL Ratings (bushfire assessment levels).
Presentations from:
View a series of presentations discussing the ongoing recovery from the 2019/20 bushfires, flood/ storm events and the Covid-19 Global Pandemic.
This webinar discusses recovery 2 years on from the Green Wattle Creek and Moreton bushfires impacting the Wollondilly and Wingecarribee Shires, and the local wellbeing supports available for bushfire impacted communities.